Figure Skating

The Penn Ice Rink offers several programs for figure skaters including:

Learn-to-Skate Group Lessons

  • Geared towards skaters age 5 and up.
  • Registration is required.

Freestyle Sessions for Figure Skating Practice:

  • Freestyle sessions are practice sessions designated for figure skaters only.  These sessions allow figure skaters to practice their skills, moves-in-the-field, and/or ice dance patterns, jumps. and spins.  They are open to the public, and there are discounted rates for students. 
  • Freestyle is also permitted during all Public Skating Sessions when attendance is low and at the discretion of the manager on duty.
  • Fall Semester Freestyle Sessions starting September 3 are:
    • Mondays and Wednesdays   2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
    • Tuesdays and Thursdays       3:20 PM - 4:20 PM

Private lessons with our certified instructors

  • Skaters can  utilize Penn Ice Rink’s certified instructors for private lessons during freestyle sessions. Registration and prepayment is recommended for Freestyle Sessions. Once you register you will see our current open camp/clinic registrations. 

General Admission is $16 ($14 with a PennCard ; $15 with other college ID).  There is no cost for coaches who are accompanying a registered skater, however all coaches must check-in at the ticket window before each visit. 

Team photo
Penn Figure Skating Club

The Penn Figure Skating Club is a club sports team of full time Penn (and Drexel) students skate at every level in both singles and dance. They practice together at the rink.